The Future of Alternative Energy Installs

"This device makes it easy for solar installers to connect alternative energy sources by eliminating the need to upgrade the existing main panel. It bypasses the NEC 120% Rule, and it also allows for the installation of other alternative energy sources in the future."

Jeff Hidaka, VP, Compliance & Product Development, Innov8 IP (former Principal Engineer, Underwriters Laboratories (UL))

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Ease of Use Meets Safety and Compliance

A new NEC rule is being added, which allows for a new device to limit the combined power production source current to the main panelboard.

- 2020 NEC Power Control System (PCS) compliant
- Bypass the NEC 120% Rule
- Provides connections for all alternative energy sources
- Gain the ability to feed designated loads

Safely Eliminates 120% Rule Restrictions

"The Xterior Box works with any existing main panel, which eliminates the need for upgrading it everytime you want to add more alternative energy sources to it. It has virtually unlimited backfeed, and isolates itself from the grid in the event of a power outage."

Paul Cruz, Inventor & CTO, Innov8 IP

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Powerful, Expandable, Affordable

Gain the unique ability to install and connect multiple power production sources to the main panelboard, and eliminate having to upgrade it.

- Allow a back-fed breaker to connect at any location
- Install high-power loads, including EV chargers.
- Isolates itself from the grid in a power outage
- Continues supplying power during a grid outage

Solar Installations Made Fast and Easy

"The Energy Link dramatically improves how you're able to add anlternative energy to a new system - from the start and into the future as your energy needs increase. It reduces installation costs and downtime, and it streamlines the inspection process."

Gil Gonzalez, VP, Business Development & Marketing, Innov8 IP

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Interconnection with Unlimited Potential

You won't find another device that can do all of this... and saves you money. It's the next level of alternative energy integration wherever you need it.

- Provides the ideal location to connect essential loads
- Provides the ongoing capability for future upgrades
- Provides compliance with NEC 120% and 2020 rules
- Provides great value and end user satisfaction